Here are some affirmations to go with our episode on Peaceful Parenting. Whenever you have a moment of quiet or meditation, use these to help bring your life and your child’s life back to peace and joy.
- I will not immediately react to my child if I am stressed or angry. I will take a breath, calm down, and discuss the situation.
- I will bring more creative toys and activities into my child’s life.
- I will strive to make my child’s room a sanctuary and our home a comfortable, safe place for the family.
- I will make an effort to create quiet time for both my children and myself.
- I understand that children are logical and reasoning with them helps them understand life.
- When I spend time with my child, I will put away my devices and make sure my child gets my complete attention.
- I will treat my mate with respect, admiration, and love, as we are patterning all of our child’s future relationships.
- Through my child, I will learn, teach, love, and discover the best things about life—all over again.