Peaceful Profile #2: Heather Welch
Heather Welch and her husband built a house in New Zealand where they purposely live disconnected from the power grid. Listen as we discuss her story about choosing solar, and the pros (and some cons) of living with just the energy that they create, themselves.
This episode guides you through a series of affirmations known as the Metta Meditation or Loving Kindness. You will visualize sending out love and kindness and peace into the world and then receive the same for yourself.
“As soon as you have made a thought, laugh at it.” —Lao Tsu
On this day, April 1st (and all others), it’s helpful and healing to have a laugh! Are you having a laugh? I talk about all the positive effects laughter can have on you, tell you a joke the universe played on me this weekend, and play a song that is going to really embarrass my sister!
Are you stressed? Do you have tech overload? Too many emails? Let go and take some time to find your “green space.” A place with trees, grass, water, sand – somewhere you can connect with the more natural world. It has been scientifically proven that hanging out in nature can lower your blood pressure, relieve anxiety, and produce all sorts of great health benefits.
Did you know that you–yes you–are magic? You are already living a magical life, you just have to acknowledge and recognize all the magic moments that have happened and will happen to you.
I tell several stories about magic in my life and help you recognize how magical you are.
The first of my Peaceful Profiles series. I speak with Heath Armstrong, creator of The Sweet Ass Journal to Develop Your Happiness Muscle in 100 Days, and a new deck of inspirational cards called The Sweet Ass Domination Deck: Affirmations to Motivate your Creative Maniac Mind. Heath is an entrepreneur, author and motivational podcaster.
Everyone experiences grief, but nobody wants to talk about it. I tell a story about how one friend came through when it came to dealing with the death of my mom, and how I truly believe I got messages from her, my dad, and my best friend from beyond the grave.