This visualization/relaxation will take you back to a time and place when you’ve experienced pure and total happiness, and guide you through storing that so you can recall the feeling at any time.
Haven’t you always wondered what your pets are thinking? Why haven’t we devised a system to communicate with animals, yet? I have an intriguing conversation with Karen Anderson, former law enforcement officer turned pet psychic, medium, and animal communicator!
Money is the #1 stressor in both relationships and in life! In this episode, I cover the basic strategies that I used to get from bankruptcy to building a comfortable, rich life — no matter what your income level!
Podcasts play a big role in my life and are a part of my daily entertainment and education. In a little diversion from my topic of peace, I discuss all the shows that I listen to, how I (simply) started my show, and how you, too, can podcast – if you want to.
Father’s Day Peaceful Profile: Ricky Shetty is an entrepreneur, blogger, and life-long travel enthusiast. He and his wife did what many of us just dream about: picking up and living life on the road. Or in the air! Or on a bus! I talk with Ricky about his nomadic life with his wife and three children, his relationships, the challenges, and finding peace.
Every day we encounter pitches for life coaches, empowerment seminars, and get rich quick schemes. Can you really buy the roadmap to success? In this episode, I’ll reveal the Big Secret that all those happiness hucksters are trying to sell you.
A conversation with wildlife advocate Michael Howie about sharing our world with animals. We cover controversial animal issues like big game hunting, radical animal rescue, and whether zoos really help animals. We also cover the best ways to be an animal ally online and off.